Singapore Repertory Theatre

The Game of Thrones Ball - The Theatre Ball by Singapore RepertoryTheatre (SRT) was hailed, once again, as the party of the year! Guests arrived at the stunning Capitol Theatre and were greeted the Night King, White Walkers and a white dire-wolf who led them into the Great Hall of King’s Landing. Olga Iserlis outdid herself by transforming the venue complete with banners from each of the Houses, dragon eggs, Little Finger’s brothel, dragons flying, and of course, the Iron Throne.

This year’s SRT Ball was sponsored by HBO Asia as part of their pre-launch activities for the final season of GoT – the most watched television series in history. The outstanding culinary team from The Capitol Kempinski Hotel created a menu that was worthy of a Westeros feast, including a dessert spread fit for a king (or queen).

Funds raised will support SRT’s further development of community and educational programmes.

This year's Theatre Ball would not have been possible without the help of the Organising Committee comprising Olga Iserlis, Stuart McLelland, Bina Rampuria, and Jin Liu.